Health Policy
If your child is sick, you will be asked to please not bring them into Cambridge Stars Nursery. When the child is healthy to actively play with other children he or she may come back to the day care center. This helps protect the health and well-being of all the children at the nursery, and enables us to provide the best possible environment for the children.
These are common symptoms that a child is sick:
Active sneezing or coughing.
Colored discharge from the nose.
A sore throat (with fever or swollen glands)
Discharge from eyes or ears.
Diarrhea (three or more watery stools in 24 hours).
Vomiting (two or more times in 24 hours)
A fever (a temperature of 37.5 C/100 degrees Fahrenheit or more).
An eye infection.
Rash (especially with fever or itching).