Cambridge Stars Nursery Fee Policy
All payments are non-refundable
Tuition Fees are due on the 1st of every month
Registration fees are QR 1000 paid one time only. Registration fees are repaid in case of child absenteeism for a period exceeding 6 months, as the child's personal file will be deleted after this period of absenteeism.
Vacations Policies
A non- refundable / non-deductible fee is applicable if you require a space
booked for your child when on holiday for more than a month. For this, retainer is QR 1000 /.
Written notice is required for change of timings, increase / decrease of timings / vacations plan. Changes will be done as of next fee payment date onwards.
Registration fees are invalid if you do not start 2 weeks from the date specified on the
form. Your child will also lose their place at Cambridge Stars nursery.
If your child leaves Cambridge Stars Nursery in the middle of the month,
monthly charges will be applicable (Proportional fees will not be calculated).
Children cannot be brought to Cambridge without registration. If you require this
option the fees QR 50 / - for one hour in a day will be charged (minimum Payment will be 100 QR) subject to availability of space.
Whenever your Child is away on holiday, then a full month fee is applicable.
(Proportional fees will not be calculated)