Food Policy
Parents are responsible to provide all meals and snacks for each day the child is present at Cambridge Stars Nursery. Parents are also responsible to provide in writing any special dietary needs or instructions for their child prior to the child’s first day. Cambridge Stars Nursery staff will provide only minimal preparation for the child’s meal to include heating and/or refrigerating. We do not cook meals of any type for the kids.
It is Cambridge Stars Nursery’s recommendation that all meals be nutritionally balanced and contains one representative of each of the 4(four) major food groups. If you require any nutritional assistance we will be more than happy to provide you with guidance. We do not throw any left-over meal items away so you can see how much your child ate during the day. Any kind of food with traces of nuts will be returned to you with a note.
The following items are unfavorable to the child’s diet and NOT recommended in Cambridge Stars Nursery:
Fizzy drinks chocolates and sweets sugary treats chips. Cambridge Stars Nursery is considered a nut free zone and due to the high number of children with potential life threatening allergies any food item containing nuts of any kind is not allowed.
Our Meal Times:
LUNCH : 11:30 AM
Please ensure that your child is properly fed prior to arrival at Cambridge Stars Nursery, if being dropped in between any of the meal times. We encourage all parents to bring their children on time for the meals. This will help your child to get into a routine and maintain a balanced regiment.